
José María Cabrera Berobide

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Long-term impacts on education of a cash transfer during early-life (with Juanita Bloomfield). 
Journal of Policy Analyisis and Management, forthcoming.

The Use of Innovative Incentives in the Classroom to Explore the Impact of Peer Monitoring on Academic Achievements. (with Alejandro Cid)
Journal of Behavioral Education, 2023.

Mandatory Helmet Use and the Severity of Motorcycle Accidents: No Brainer? (with Magdalena Blanco, Felipe Carozzi and Alejandro Cid). 
Economia, Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association, 2021, Vol.. 21 (2).
        Replication Pack (Data and Code).

Modest and Incomplete Incentives may work: Pricing plastic bags in Uruguay. (with Marcelo Caffera and Alejandro Cid). 
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2021, Vol. 110.

        Replication Pack (Data and Code).

        Media: El País.

Demanding proper payment in extremely vulnerable markets. Gender differences in the prevalence of violence. (with Alejandro Cid and Magdalena Blanco) .
SN Social Sciences, 2021, Vol.. 1 (7).
        Media: El País.

Do higher salaries yield better teachers and better student outcomes? (with Dinand Webbink).
Journal of Human Resources, 2020, (55): 1222-1257.
        Replication Pack (Data and Code).
// JHR Research Highlights.
        Media: El País, Suena Tremendo  (Radio), Telenoche 4 (TV), El Observador.

Combining face-to-face sessions with ICT for health promotion: Evidence from a field experiment with undergraduate students. (with Marianne Bernatzky and Alejandro Cid).
Children and Youth Services Review, 2020, Vol. 111, April.

Frequency of Testing. Lessons from a Field Experiment in Higher Education.  (with Alejandro Cid and Marianne Bernatzky) .
Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 2018, Vol. 19, issue 1.

Allocation of Usufruct Rights in Informal Markets: Evidence from the Streets.  (with Alejandro Cid).
Revista de Análisis Económico / Economic Analysis Review, 2017, Vol. 32, Nº 2, pp. 39-64 .

        Media: Fortune MagazineSubrayado (TV), Calidad de Vida (TV)Canal 4 (TV), El Observador, La República, El País 1, El País 2Suplemento  Qué Pasa, Búsqueda.

Reactive and Proactive Aggression in Uruguayan Children and Adolescents. (with Natalia FaresJ. Martín Ramírez, Fernanda Lozano and Fernando Salas).
Psicopatología Clínica, Legal y Forense, 2012, Vol. 12, pp.47-68.

Fertility and Income in Uruguay.  
Revista de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía
, 2011, Año 10, pp 87-111.
            Media: El Pais

Justification of Physical and Verbal Aggression in Uruguayan Children and Adolescents. (with Natalia Fares, J. Martín Ramírez, Fernanda Lozano and Fernando Salas).
Open Psychology  Journal, 2011, Vol. 4, (Suppl 1-M5) 45-54.

Exchange Rate Depreciation, Dollarization and Investment. An empirical study at the firm level with panel data techniques. (in spanish, with Juan Carlos Munyo).
Revista de Economía
, 2008, Vol. 15 (2), Banco Central del Uruguay.

Other publications

Evolución del perfil docente de CETP-UTU en el contexto de una oferta en expansión. (With Ana Balsa, Eugenia Rodríguez, Gabriel Álvarez, Virginia Verderese and Marcelo Pérez Alfaro).
Nota Técnica, Inter-American Development Bank,  IDB-TN-1784

Estudio multicéntrico sobre alteraciones de la función cerebral en usuarios de cocaínas fumables. (VVAA.) Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (Proyecto PBC CICAD-OEA).

Youth & Violence in Deprived Urban Regions in Montevideo. (in spanish, with F. Lozano, A. Giménez, A. Fernández, E. Lewy, A. Cid, F. Salas, V. Olivera and C. Hackembruch).
Biomedicina, 2011, Vol. VI, nº 1. (full version)
            Media: Búsqueda, El Observador, Canal 10 (TV), VTV, El Espectador (radio), Oriental (radio)

Poverty, Education and Wages in Latin America. (in spanish, with Fernando Borráz, Daniel FerrésAlejandro Cid and Daniel Miles). 
Serie Avances de Investigación, 2010, nº 43. Madrid (Spain), august. 

Justification of interpersonal aggression in Uruguayan children attending schools of different socio-economic context, measured using CAMA and RPQ questionnaires. (with Natalia Fares, Fernanda Lozano, Fernando Salas and J. Martín Ramírez). 
Conflict and Aggression in a Society in Transition, Borisz A. Szegál (editor), C.I.C.A. series of books #20, 2010.

Working Papers and work in progress

Hot Spots, Patrolling Intensity, and Robberies: Lessons from a three-year program in Uruguay (with Alejandro Cid and Federico Veneri).
                Media: BID Banco de Evidencias.

Gender differences to relative performance feedback: a field experiment in education (with Alejandro Cid).

Opportunity Cost of Time and Academic Performance: The impact of major soccer events on human capital accumulation.

Evolución de los resultados académicos en UTU 2013-2017: análisis de trayectorias, tendencias y asociación con perfil docente” (with Ana Balsa and Mauricio Echevarría ).

Strategies to increase the take-up of social benefits. Evidence from a field experiment in a deeply vulnerable population (with Alejandro Cid, Marianne Bernatzky, María Ramírez-Michelena, Magdalena Blanco).

Gender Peer Effects Around The World.
  Individual country (Figures)

Deporte y resiliencia en población juvenil de alta vulnerabilidad (with Alejandro Cid and Juan José Irisarri).

Gender in a Context of Joint-Liability Incentives in the Classroom.
Marianne Bernatzky and Alejandro Cid)

The Impact of Child Abuse on Aggressive Behavior. 
(with Natalia Fares and J. Martín Ramírez)
XXth International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) World Meeting Luxembourg  (poster)
I Symposium Internacional sobre Abuso Psicológico – Granada, España (poster)

Identifying risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in a population of university students.
(with A. Giménez, A. Fernández, F. Lozano, E. Lewy, F. Salas, A. Cid y C. Hackembruch)

Probability of Default of Bank Loans in a Dollarized Economy.  
(In Spanish,  with Pablo Bazerque) 

Readiness for Interpersonal Aggression in a Uruguayan children sample attending age, gender and different socio-economic context. 
(with Natalia Fares, Fernanda Lozano, David Monge-López, Fernando Salas and J. Martin Ramirez. 

Calificación crediticia y grado de previsiones específicas y estadísticas. 1999- 2009. 
(with Pablo Bazerque).