1) The articles sent will be unpublished and will belong to one of the following types: scientific and technological research, reflection articles, and bibliographic review articles.

2) All the articles will start with a cover sheet that will include the following information:
    a. Title of the article in Spanish.
    b. Title of the article in English.
    c. Name of authors, with the corresponding affiliation (enterprise or university) to which they belong.
    d. One author must be selected for the correspondence.
    e. All the articles must contain a abstract in Spanish of not more than 200 words which will contain a summary of the main points including and the aim of the article.
    f. The abstract in English must also be included, under the author´s responsibility.
    g. The articles must also include between 3 to 5 key words in both languages: Spanish and English.

3) Within the main body or the article an introduction and conclusions must also be included.

4) Subheadings and sections will be in Arabic numerals in the following way: 1. Introduction, 1.1 Subtitle, 1.1.1. Second subtitle and so on.

5) Even if there is no limit or words recommended, the article should not exceed 5000 words. (10 pages, Times New Roman, font 10, single spacing.

6) Acronyms used for the first time will be followed by their full meaning, for eg. the first time self-compacting concrete is used (SCC) is used, the acronym that will be used thereafter must appear between brackets.

7) Photos to be included must be black and white and are to be included in the main body of the article.

8) Figures will be enumerated in Roman numbers (I, II, III, IV….) and captions must be placed beneath the table starting with Fig …

9) Tables must also be included in the main body of the article, enumerated in Roman numbers (I, II, III, IV…..) and the caption must be placed beneath the table starting with Table ….

10) Only full bibliographical references cited in the main body of the article will appear at the end of the article.

11) The style for the bibliographical references for all the articles will be "Numbered". This means that within the text there will be a number (between square brackets) for every bibliographical reference cited. The list of references must appear at the end of the article in order of appearance (i.e according to the previously mentioned numbers).

12) Bibliographical references of books cited in the article must appear in the following order: Author, Title, Year, Editorial; For eg: Timoshenko,G., Resistencia de Materiales, 2004, Paraninfo, Edición Español.

13) Bibliographical references of magazines cited in the article must present the following format: Author, Title, Magazine, Year, Issue, Number and pages. For eg: Khayat K, Assaad J. Measurement Systems for Determining Formwork Pressure of Highly-Flowable Concrete. Materials and Structures 2008. 41: p. 37–46. Box, G.E.P. and P.Y.T. Liu, Statistics as a Catalyst to learning by Scientific Method Part I. Journal of Quality Technology, 1999. 31(1): p. 1-15.