Ana I. Balsa

Ph.D. Boston University













Publications in Juried or Refereed Journal Articles


        Balsa, A., Bloomfield, J., Cid., A. 2024.  The Replication of a Parenting Behavioral Change Communication Intervention during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Too Much or Too Little Information? Conditionally accepted. Journal of Family and Economics Issues.

       Balsa, A., Noboa, C., Triunfo, P. 2024. Nudging healthy food choices. Health Economics, forthcoming.


        Balsa, A.I., Gómez Muzzio, E., González, M.L. et al. 2023. Crianza Positiva: Combining Group Workshops and E-Messages to Strengthen Parenting CompetencesChild Youth Care Forum. 


        Balsa, A., Bloomfield, J., Cid, A., Lorenzo, M., Patrone, P. 2023. Household’s stressors and well-being during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Family Issues.


        Balsa, A., Triunfo, P. 2022. The COVID-19 Pandemic and Birth Outcomes in 2020: the Role of Prenatal Care and other Channels. Economics and Human Biology. 47 101167.


Balsa, A., Cid, A., Zardo A. 2022. Providing academic opportunities to vulnerable adolescents: a randomized evaluation of privately managed tuition-free middle schools in Uruguay. Journal of Development Effectiveness 14(4): 340-379.

Bloomfield, J., A. Balsa, A. Cid. 2022. Using Behavioral Insights in Early Childhood Interventions: the Effects of Crianza Positiva E-Messaging Program on Parental Investment. Review of Economics of the Household.  1-36.

Balsa, A., F. López Boo, J. Bloomfield, A. Cristiá, A. Cid, R. Valdés, M. González, M.P. Ferro. 2021. “The effect of Crianza Positiva e-messaging program on adult-child language interactions.” Behavioral Public Policy, 1–37 doi:10.1017/bpp.2021.25

Balsa A., Triunfo, P. 2020. “The Effects of Expanded Social Health Insurance Eligibility on Young Mothers: Lessons from a Pro-Choice Reform in Uruguay”. Health Economics, 30(3), 603-622.

Balsa, A, Gandelman, N., Roldán, F. 2018. Peer and parental influence in academic performance and alcohol use. Labour Economics 55: 41-55.


        Balsa, A., Caffera, M., Bloomfield, J. 2016. Exposures to Particulate Matter from the Eruptions of the Puyehue Volcano and Birth Outcomes among Women in Montevideo, Uruguay. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(11), 1816.

        Triunfo, P., Harris, J., Balsa, A. 2016. Evaluación de la campaña anti-tabaco de Uruguay: Balance de 10 Años y desafíos. Evaluation of Uruguay's antismoking campaign: progress and challenges after ten years. Pan American Journal of Public Health 2016; 40(4): 256-62.

        Balsa, A., Cid, A. 2016. "Impact evaluation of a privately managed (charter) school in a poor neighborhood in Montevideo", Journal of Applied Economics (Universidad del Cema): XIX (1): 65-94.

        Balsa, A., Triunfo, P. 2015. "The Effectiveness of Prenatal care on Uruguay’s Low Income Population: A Panel Data Approach", Latin American Journal of Economics, 52(2), 149-183.

Harris, J., Balsa, A., Triunfo, P. 2015. Tobacco control campaign in Uruguay: Impact on smoking cessation during pregnancy and birth weight. Journal of Health Economics, 42: 186-196.

Balsa, A., Cid, A. 2014. “Advancing Academic Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth: Third Year Impact Evaluation of a Privately-Managed School in a Poor Neighborhood in Montevideo”. Páginas de Educación (Uruguay), 7(1): 15-35.


        Balsa, A., Gandelman, N., Gonzalez, N. 2014. Peer effects in risk aversion”, Risk Analysis: an International Journal, 35: 27–43.

        Balsa, A.I., French, M.T, Regan, T. 2014. “Relative Deprivation and Risky Behaviors”, Journal of Human Resources, 49(2): 446-471.       

        Balsa, A.I., Gandelman, N., Lamé, D. 2014. Lessons from Participation in a web-based Substance Use Preventive Program in Uruguay”. Journal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse, 23: 91-100.

        Balsa, A.I, French, M.T.  2011. “The Impact of Parental Drinking on Children’s Utilization of Health Care”, Substance Use and Misuse, 47( 4): 450–460.

        Balsa, A.I., Triunfo, P., Rossi, M. 2011. "Horizontal Inequity in Access to Health Care in Four South American Cities". Revista de Economía del Rosario (Colombia), 14(1): 31-56.

        Balsa, A.I., French, M.T., Homer, J., Norton, E.  2011. “Alcohol Use and Popularity: Social Payoffs from Conforming to Peers' Behavior”. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 21(3), 559 – 568.

Fang, H., M. French, A. Balsa. 2011. “Longitudinal Analysis of Changes in Illicit Drug Use and Health Services Utilization.” Health Services Research, 46(3):877-899.


        Balsa, A.I., L. Giuliano, and M.T. French.  2011. “The Effects of Alcohol Use on Academic Achievement in High School.”  Economics of Education Review, 30(1): 1-15.

        Balsa, A.I., and M.T. French.  2010. “Alcohol Use and the Labor Market in Uruguay.” Health Economics. 19(7): 833-854.

        Balsa, A.I., Homer, J. and M.T. French. 2009. “The Health Effects of Parental Problem-Drinking on Adult Children”. The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 12(2), 55-66.

        Balsa, A.I., Maclean, J.C., French, M.T., Norton, E. 2009. “From Pubs to Scrubs: Alcohol Misuse and Health Care Utilization”. Health Services Research, 44(5 part 1): 1480-1503.

        Balsa, A.I., Ferrés, D., Triunfo, P., Rossi, M. 2009. “Inequidades socioeconómicas en el uso de servicios de salud del adulto mayor montevideano” (Socioeconomic inequities in the use of health care services by the elderly in Montevideo). Estudios Económicos (El Colegio de Mexico), 24(1): 35-88.

Balsa, A.I., Homer, J.F., French, M.T., Weisner, C.M. 2009. Substance Use, Education, Employment, and Criminal Activity Outcomes of Adolescents in Outpatient Chemical Dependency Program”, Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 36(1): 75-95.

Balsa, A.I. 2008 "Parental Problem- Drinking and Adult Children’s Labor Market Outcomes", Journal of Human Resources, 43 (2): 454 - 486.

Balsa, A.I., Homer, J.F., Fleming, M.F., French, M.T. 2008. “Alcohol Consumption and Health Among the Elderly”, The Gerontologist, 48(5): 622-636.


Balsa, A.I., Cao, Z., T.G. McGuire. 2007. “Does Managed Health Care Reduce Health Care Disparities Between Minorities and Whites?Journal of Health Economics, 26: 101-121.


Balsa, A.I., McGuire, T.G. and L.S. Meredith. 2005. “Testing for Statistical Discrimination in Health Care”, Health Services Research, 40(1); 227-252.

Balsa, A.I., and McGuire, T.G.. 2003. “Prejudice, Clinical Uncertainty and Stereotyping as Sources of Health Disparities”, Journal of Health Economics 22(1); 89-116.

Balsa, A.I., N. Seiler, T.G. McGuire, and G. Bloche. 2003 “Clinical Uncertainty and Health Care Disparities”; American Journal of Law and Medicine, 29(2/3): 203-220

Balsa A.I. and McGuire, T.G. 2001.“Statistical Discrimination in Health Care”; Journal of Health Economics 20(6); 881-907.



Book Chapters


Balsa, A., Gandelman, N., Porzecanski, R. 2020. The Impact of ICT on Adolescent’s Perceptions and Consumption of Substances: evidence from a randomized trial in Uruguay. In “Information Technologies and Economic Development in Latin America”, Alberto Chong and Mónica Yáñez-Pagans editors. Anthem Press, London (UK) and New York (USA). ISBN- 10: 1- 78527- 199- 7

Balsa, A., Gandelman, N. 2020. The Impact of ICT on Health Promotion: a randomized experiment with diabetic patients. In “Information Technologies and Economic Development in Latin America”, Alberto Chong and Mónica Yáñez-Pagans editors. Anthem Press, London (UK) and New York (USA). ISBN- 10: 1- 78527- 199- 7

Balsa, A., & Díaz, C. 2019. Social interactions in health behaviors and conditions. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press.


Balsa, A., 2018. Políticas Sociales y de la Salud en Primera Infancia: Uruguay y la región. En Infancia, adolescencia y juventud: oportunidades claves para el Desarrollo. Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para el desarrollo. Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia, UNICEF Uruguay.


Other Publications


        Balsa A., José María Cabrera, Eugenia Rodriguez, Virginia Verderese, Gabriel Alvarez, Marcelo Pérez Alfaro. 2019. Evolución del perfil docente de CETP-UTU en el marco de una oferta en expansión. Nota técnica IADB-TN-1784. División de Educación. Sector Social. Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.

        Balsa, A.I. 2010 "Alcohol Use and Popularity among Uruguayan Adolescents", Revista de Ciencias Empresariales y Economía, Universidad de Montevideo, 9: 19-28.

Balsa, A.I., J. Dubra. 2007. The Healthcare Market: Failures and Institutional Arrangements. Biomedicina, Universidad de Montevideo 3(1): 54-62.